Jan. 22, 2013, marks the 40th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, which recognizes a woman’s right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. NOW’s ally, NARAL Pro-Choice America , is honoring this occasion with its eighth annual Blog for Choice Day, and we have pledged to participate.
Blog for Choice Day gets more people reading and talking about reproductive rights online on one of the most important days surrounding a woman’s right to choose: the anniversary of the historic Roe v. Wade decision, when the Supreme Court ruled that abortion should be legal. Your participation in Blog for Choice Day lets your readers and the mainstream media know that a woman’s right to choose is a core progressive value that must be protected. As you know, reproductive rights were a critical issue in the presidential election. Thanks to you, we helped re-elect pro-choice President Barack Obama and defeated some of the most extreme and outspoken anti-choice candidates. But our opponents aren’t backing down, and we need to be ready for any attempt to take away women’s access to safe, legal abortion and birth control.
It’s our personal stories that change hearts and minds about the importance of advancing reproductive justice. That’s why we’re posting personal stories about why access to reproductive health care is so important.
If you’re interested in telling your story, you can sign up on NARAL’s website to let them know that you plan to write a blog post on Jan. 22.
Don’t have a blog? No problem! You can tweet using the hashtag #Tweet4Choice or update your Facebook status with your story — it can be just a sentence or two. You can also post the Blog for Choice Day graphic on your Facebook wall.
Together with NARAL, we can ensure that on Jan. 22, the blogosphere is flooded with stories of real women, keeping reproductive rights in the spotlight. See who has already signed up to participate.