Every woman’s voice matters — especially yours. Founded in 1966, the National Organization for Women is the largest, most comprehensive feminist advocacy group in the United States. We take action to demand equality for women. We speak up for justice. We invite you to join us. Our Blog Comment Policy Contact Us Our Blog Say It, Sister! is a place where NOW leaders speak our minds, discuss feminist issues and call women to action. All posts and comments reflect the individual views of their authors, and should not be construed as positions taken by NOW. If you are looking for information about our organization, please go to our website. If you are looking to connect with one of our hundreds chapters or ask a question, contact us. Comment Policy Though thoughtful debate is encouraged, NOW reserves the right to remove comments attacking individuals or employing hostile language, including but not limited to slurs and profanity. We call this R-E-S-P-E-C-T. NOW also reserves the right to remove trolling comments. Contact Us Are you looking for information from NOW? Contact Us.