By Allendra Letsome, NOW Vice President of Membership
1. Summer’s almost over, but there is still time for one last barbeque or picnic. Invite your friends and talk to them about why you joined NOW. It doesn’t have to be a formal thing, but I’m sure that those close to you want to know why you’re so passionate about NOW, so tell ’em.
2. You never know where you’re going to run into a new NOW member. It could be at the coffee shop, while you’re doing back-to-school shopping or even in the office right next door. Best to be prepared and carry a NOW membership form with you everywhere.
3. 2010 is an election year. Are your representatives NOW members? Hmmm. Find out. If they are, great! If they’re not, sign ’em up. We’ve got a lot of work to do and we could use allies every step of the way.