Our country has faced unprecedented levels of violence in recent years. Attacks based on political differences, religious beliefs, race, and gender have invaded too many American communities. However, we cannot let these senseless acts deter us from our being united to ensure safety for all our neighbors. We are uniting against this hatred and violence by rallying together to create a new vision for the future – one that emphasizes unity and acceptance of our differences. The “United We Stand Summit” hosted by President Biden aims to incorporate community leaders, civil rights groups, and legislators in constructing a shared vision of a more inclusive, safer, and united America. 

We cannot let our contrasting beliefs divide us. Next Thursday, September 15, we call all NOW members, supporters, and partners to participate in the Summit and act as “uniters.” It is critical that we support the efforts of uniters as they work to foster unity within their hurting communities. Everyone deserves to live authentically, without fear of being attacked due to their beliefs or values. 

WHEN: Thursday, September 15th, 2022.  

WHERE: Virtual —You can watch the Summit via a livestream at Whitehouse.gov 

WHY: To join lawmakers, civil rights groups, and cultural figures in the fight against hate-driven violence targeting our democracy, and to demonstrate our dedication to uniting and healing communities affected by hatred. 

HOW: Visit www.whitehouse.gov to learn more about the United We Stand Summit and its participants.