Act Today to Prevent a Lifetime Court Appointment for Anti-Woman Judge!

The Trump Administration has nominated yet another disastrous appointment to a federal bench who will turn the clock backwards on women’s health. But there’s still time to raise your voice against confirmation of Sarah Pitlyk, an attorney with a career defined by attacks on reproductive rights, to a lifetime appointment on a federal district court in Missouri.
The American Bar Association Standing Committee unanimously determined that Pitlyk is “Not Qualified” for the position of federal district judge. If confirmed, she will aggressively push the administration’s anti-reproductive rights, anti-health and anti-women policies.
Pitlyk defended Iowa’s law that banned abortion before most women would even confidently know that they are pregnant and an anti-abortion activist who secretly recorded videos and then distorted the footage to create a false narrative about Planned Parenthood.
She is still actively advocating against Roe v. Wade. In a divorce case she argued in favor of securing legal rights for frozen fertilized eggs, which is a common strategy used by extremists who want to completely ban abortion, without exceptions.
Her terror doesn’t end there. She once represented employers challenging a non-discrimination law aimed to protect people from being fired or removed from housing based on their reproductive decisions, such as using birth control or in vitro fertilization.
To top off all of these egregious actions, Pitlyk refuted the sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh before even listening to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony, claiming that Ford was committing a “direct character assassination.”
It is vital that we stop this nomination from moving forward. Urge your senators to reject extremist Sarah Pitlyk as a judicial nominee today! You can leave a voicemail message or ask to speak to a staffer.
I am a voter in ___(Your State)___ and I urge you to reject Sarah Pitlyk as a judicial nominee, as I know how important upholding reproductive rights is for women in our state. Sarah Pitlyk has a terrible record of trying to rollback women’s rights regarding abortion, birth control and the use of alternative reproductive methods. We are depending on you to protect our rights and deny Sarah Pitlyk for a lifetime appointment to the Court.
Capitol Switchboard, 202-224-3121, or go to
And don’t forget to speak out on social media!:
The rejection of Sarah Pitlyk as a judicial nominee is crucial to women’s reproductive freedom. The Senate must vote against her lifetime appointment to the Court because of her long record of attacks on reproductive rights. #StopPitlyk #CourtsMatter
Thank you for your commitment to upholding women’s rights to make decisions regarding their own bodies.