Why Women Leaders Are Excelling In This Time of Coronavirus
An article in the New York Times this week reminded me of how much the world needs strong, feminist leadership right now. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand, President Tsai Ing-wen in Taiwan and Prime Minister Sanna Marin in Finland (who governs with a coalition of four female-led parties), among others, have taken their places alongside Germany’s Angela Merkel as exemplars of effective leadership in a time of crisis.
These women are important, historic changemakers, and we’re celebrating that spirit here in the U.S. by commemorating the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment with a new social media campaign recognizing 100 “Sisters in Suffrage.” Please stay tuned to this campaign by following along with the hashtags
#sistersinsuffrage, #Celebrating100, #righttovote, #somerestrictionsstillapply, and #finishthefight .
Are you spending more time in video meetings than before, and finding new challenges in the process? You’re not alone, as this piece in Ms. Magazine explains. Also, from Ms., this
headline: “They’re Coming for Our Birth Control—and Lying About It”
And here’s a great review of an important new book about the struggle for abortion rights. Note the photo that features one of our iconic NOW rounds!
The issue of female incarceration has long been a focus for NOW, and this article from the Marshall Project is eye opening. Women are dying in prison from COVID-19, but they are often overlooked by a criminal justice system that was not designed for them.
Finally, last week I shared with you a video from BETTY, and here’s another one they did to celebrate Pride. Music never fails to lift our spirits, and I’m grateful for all the great musicians we can turn to today.
Until next week, as always, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay connected. We’ll make it through these challenges—together.