Western District Vacancy On The National Board of Directors
The 2020-2022 National NOW Board has several vacancies, and we are calling on activists from the Western District to fill up to three of those seats.
The NOW Board oversees the work of the National Action Center and develops and implements the National NOW strategic action program. Board members report regularly to members in their districts about National NOW’s work. Other duties and responsibilities include:
- NOW Board members are responsible for attending regular and special board meetings (typically on weekends and occasional other days), which are held in-person or via webinar and conference call.
- All board members are assigned to committees that work on implementation / development of NOW’s national action program, or oversee the National Action Center’s financial reporting and structure & process matters.
- Travel, meals, and lodging expenses for face-to-face board meetings are reimbursed (within guidelines) by National NOW.
Who is eligible to fill the Western District Board vacancies:
Any person who has been a NOW member in good standing for at least two years immediately prior to the date of appointment; has held an elected or appointed position in a local or state NOW chapter or the national organization; and resides in one the following states: Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Utah, or Texas.
How the vacancies will be filled:
After candidate eligibility has been verified by the Western District’s Nominating Committee, the vacancies will be filled by a two-thirds vote of the State Presidents in the district.
If you are interested in filling this vacancy, please apply online via this link by 11:59 PM EST, Friday, April 30, 2021.
Christian F. Nunes, NOW President
Kim Villanueva, NOW Elections Committee Chair