Just hours after they were sworn in, the right-wing controlled Congress introduced a 20-week abortion ban. And now that women’s rights supporters are in the minority in Congress we need to fight harder than ever against attacks on our reproductive rights.
NOW’s leaders are reaching out to President Obama and asking him to stand up for women’s rights and veto the 20-week abortion ban when it reaches his desk. We hope you’ll join us!
The 20-week abortion ban prohibits abortions well before viability, in direct violation ofRoe v. Wade.
Banning abortion doesn’t stop women from seeking the procedure – but it does make it less safe.
Will you join us in reminding President Obama that we need him to say “no” to the 20-week abortion ban and “yes” to women’s health and well-being?
Our grassroots activists around the country are fighting back harder than ever to make sure that every woman has access to the abortion care she needs.

For equality,

Chitra Panjabi
Vice President Membership

Chitra Panjabi
Vice President Membership