White House council for women and girls goes dark under Trump

“I see no evidence, zero, that Donald Trump has anyone in his orbit to advocate for women and girls,” said O’Neill, who worked closely with the council to develop a provision in the Affordable Care Act that provides contraception to women without co-pay. “We need a real office that would really advocate.”

Misogyny Is At The Core Of Trumpcare

The U.S. has the highest maternal death rate of any developed country. Senate Republicans are intent on passing legislation that would increase the cost of pregnancy and prenatal care for all women, increase the cost of not getting pregnant, and increase costs for pre-existing conditions unique to women, without a single hearing or consulting any outside experts.

How I Know For Sure Trump Is No Match For Feminism

Feminists are fighting back from a place of strength. We stand in proud solidarity with communities of color, with immigrants, refugees and Muslims, with LGBTQIA people and those with disabilities.

TrumpCare will fail all women

One of the most dangerous “alternative facts” coming from the White House these days is that the Affordable Care Act — ObamaCare — is an abject failure on the brink of collapse.