A Girl Scout on Girl Scouting (And the Bishops)

The attack on Girl Scouts becomes part of patronizing trend that seeks to discredit programs that empower women to be independent leaders. That is not “religious freedom”. That is fear of strong women. Women who work together, be it to sell cookies or sing songs or make the world a better place.

The Criminal Cost of Talking to a Loved One Behind Bars

Leticia Miranda reports for Colorlines: “When Martha Wright’s grandson was moved to a prison outside of her hometown of Washington, D.C., she didn’t expect that a short 5-minute conversation with him could cost up to $18. . . . Prisoners can usually call…

CEDAW Hearing Encouraging, U.S. Ratification Long Overdue

NOW applauds Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) for chairing a first-ever Judiciary Committee hearing Thursday on ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Eight years have lagged since the last hearing for the human rights treaty signed by President Jimmy Carter in 1979.

Let Young Women Speak for Ourselves

Newsweek made several conclusions about young feminists, all without asking a single young woman. This is hardly the first time the media has painted a picture of abortion rights activism, or for that matter feminism in general, as a few grannies in a moving truck stalled somewhere between the assisted living facility and the nursing home. It is a serial genre novelette we can only call Invisible Young Woman.

It’s What’s on the Outside that Counts

The cosmetics industry swears that the amount of toxins in each product is too small to make a difference, but think about how many products we use each day. These chemicals can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled, or ingested. Little amounts of neurotoxins and carcinogens really start to add up.