Tools for Teachers
Elementary school: Show your students the “Redefining Liberation” or “Hollywood Smoke” and Mirrors” video in class and then talk about the ads they see on TV or in magazines. Discuss questions such as, “what could advertisements say?” and “what could the class do to change the way advertisers talk to children?”.
Middle/High School: Plan a viewing! Get a group of friends and classmates together to watch “Redefining Liberation”, “Hollywood Smoke” or another thought-provoking film during lunchtime or after school. After viewing the video or film, get together and discuss your thoughts and opinions.
Elementary School: Make your own advertisements! After discussing what you think makes a good advertisement, work in groups to create an ad for print or TV and then share them with the class.
Middle/High School: Write an article for your school newspaper on the Love Your Body campaign and send it to your local or city newspaper too. You can write letters to the editor about offensive billboards, radio, and TV ads in your city and offer a solution.
Celebrate Love Your Body Day!
Elementary School: Get your students together to make art projects, watch videos, eat healthy snacks, play fun games and listen to music that celebrates growing up happy and healthy!
Middle/High School: Work with your students and hold a poster contest have a dance party with women-friendly music, hand out stickers and petition for healthy vending machines in honor of living a happy and healthy life!
Elementary School: Have the school nurse talk to your class about healthy eating and daily exercise, bring healthy snacks and plan fun games or exercises to try together!
Middle/High School: Discuss the importance of exercise and eating healthy, and the dangers and warning signs of eating disorders with your students. Have the class get into groups and talk about positive female role models they look up to and why. Have your class try a fun workout like yoga or Zumba or hold a cooking class about learning how to make healthy meals.