Combined Federal Campaign
“Best In America“
Not too long ago women had few rights. We still face sexual discrimination, violence, and economic barriers. Help us advance women’s rights and promote equality. With your support, NOW Foundation works to create a future where our daughters and granddaughters enjoy full reproductive rights, equal representation in government, real economic security, true physical safety, and a culture that promotes healthy self-images for women. Please contribute to NOW Foundation by selecting organization #11215 on your Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) pledge form.
Your support will strengthen ongoing projects that help to build our movement, like voter registration and education efforts, activist training, and leadership development work. In addition, our popular Love Your Body campaign encourages activism against images in the media that demean and
degrade women and has fostered hundreds of similar programs across the country. We have also undertaken several initiatives to address the family court crises in which domestic violence and child abuse are ignored by biased judges resulting in women losing custody of minor children to abusive ex-spouses. Additionally, NOW Foundation participates in numerous amicus briefs related to cases being argued before the U.S. Supreme Court and appellate courts, addressing sex-based employment discrimination in hiring, promotion and compensation, sexual harassment in the workplace, discrimination against LGBTQIA persons, immigrant rights, and many other types of claims which would advance important precedents.

Thank you so much for believing in a better future. Please choose #11215 on your CFC pledge form. To support the National Organization for Women Foundation, pledge to support #11215 on your form. Thanks!