NOW Says 2024 Is Pivotal in Securing Rights for All
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Christian F. Nunes, National Organization for Women (NOW) National President issued the following statement as voters will go to the polls approximately one year from now for the 2024 elections:
“In one year, women will determine the outcome of the 2024 elections. We always do—in every presidential election since 1964, more women have turned out to vote than men. But in the 2024 election, women—particularly women of color—have even more at stake. From healthcare access to pay parity to full equality to voting access to fair housing and everything in between, our rights are on the ballot.
This is the first national election since the U.S. Supreme Court ended the constitutional right to abortion. The floodgates have opened to restrict abortion care and access to contraception, with more candidates on the ballot who want to end all abortion care—everywhere. That’s why women will again galvanize to make the critical difference next November in local, state, and federal elections.
NOW and our members will do everything we can over the next twelve months to elect candidates who not only share but fight for our intersectional feminist agenda. We are committed to electing leaders who will defend reproductive rights, bodily autonomy, gender equality, racial justice, and democracy.”