Washington, DC – Of course there are more videos. Today’s release of another inflammatory attack from an anti-abortion group purporting to reveal unethical practices at Planned Parenthood won’t be the last. Planned Parenthood itself has told Congress that abortion opponents probably have gathered thousands of hours of deceptively gathered video which will likely be released on YouTube for months to come.
Their ultimate goal is not simply to embarrass Planned Parenthood, but to concoct a tissue of lies that Congress can use to further roll back reproductive rights, harass physicians who perform abortions and threaten Planned Parenthood’s very existence.
We can’t—and we won’t—respond to every “attack of the day” video that spreads the lie that Planned Parenthood sells parts from aborted fetuses for profit. This is the classic “Big Lie” technique of repeating a salacious, made-up allegation enough times until people start to believe it.
Instead, NOW stands with Planned Parenthood in focusing on the ultimate audience these videos are designed to influence—Congress. We call on Congress to accept Planned Parenthood’s offer of a briefing for congressional staff investigators about Planned Parenthood’s best practices in obtaining patient’s consent and providing tissue to medical researchers.
We further call on Congress to reject any attempt to eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood, which is required by law to be used only for family planning services, not abortion.
No one should be fooled by this campaign of lies, distortion and hate-fueled rhetoric. The videos are phony and the accusations they contain will wither under scrutiny. We’ve got enough phony news coming from the likes of Donald Trump. Instead of giving oxygen to this video attack on Planned Parenthood, we should change the channel.