The National Organization for Women applauds Representative Kendrick Meek for his impressive victory in Florida’s Democratic primary last night. Meek defeated billionaire investor Jeff Greene, despite Greene’s estimated $25 million campaign spending and his particularly malicious attacks on Meek. NOW’s Political Action Committee enthusiastically endorsed Meek, who now becomes the first African American Senate nominee from the state of Florida. Meek will face the GOP candidate, former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio, as well as Governor Charlie Crist, who is running as an independent, in the general election.
“Kendrick Meek is the only candidate for women in this race. The fight for equality and women’s rights have been causes central to Kendrick’s life,” said NOW PAC Chair Terry O’Neill. “He has always fought to protect a woman’s right to choose and promote equal pay for equal work. He is running against two lifelong Republicans who represent a step backward for women, including a political opportunist who proactively opposed the Equal Rights Amendment in Florida. Kendrick will be a strong advocate for women in the U.S. Senate; he is the only choice for feminist voters in November.”
NOW PAC also congratulates its other endorsed candidates who emerged victorious from Tuesday’s primary in Florida: Rep. Corrine Brown, Rep. Alan Grayson, Rep. Alcee Hastings, Shannon Roberts and Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.