Statement by NOW President Christian F. Nunes
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Let’s raise awareness and shed light on the horrific practice of human trafficking during this year’s World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Women and girls represent 65 percent of all trafficking victims globally and are subject to violence, exploitation, and cruelty. We must negate the “trafficking doesn’t happen where I live” perception as this is an issue that none of us are exempt from. No place is immune to the horrors of trafficking as it occurs every day and everywhere.
Those who come from marginalized and underserved communities or have limited access to resources are often primary targets. Some troubling trends surrounding trafficking include an 11% decrease in detection rates and a 27% drop in conviction rates worldwide. Support given to survivors is necessary, as the trauma that comes from experiencing such an ordeal deserves attention and care. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of awareness. With it, we can all pay close attention to — and actively combat — the intersections that directly impact human trafficking, such as women’s economic inequality and domestic violence.
Human beings are not cargo or currency, and I urge all NOW members to continue our endless fight against injustice. Trafficking is a particular form of violence, especially against women and girls, that must be stopped. Let’s call on our government to magnify efforts to strengthen the prevention of trafficking and support survivors. And we must leave no one behind.