WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tomorrow officially marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Nearly one in three women around the world — about 736 million — have been subjected to intimate partner violence, non-partner violence, or both at least once in their lives. And on average, more than five women and girls are killed every hour by someone close to them.
Every year, November 25 serves as a day to raise awareness for this grave epidemic and eliminate all forms of gender-based violence against women and girls around the globe. LGBTQIA+ women, women who are migrants or refugees, Indigenous women, and women who are part of ethnic minorities are especially vulnerable. Women also face a double burden when the violence they are exposed to often feeds into other issues such as mental and psychological harm. Without coordinated efforts to put a stop to this phenomenon, it remains to be a major barrier to achieving peace, justice, and equity. Women and girls around the world have a right to a life without violence and they deserve equal protection under the law.
Ending violence against women is one of NOW’s core issues, and we acknowledge the deeply rooted structural ills that continue to infect and fester. Let’s continue to work towards a cure that will eradicate violence against women for good.