Processing Dues Online

In order to process chapter new member joins and chapter renewals, please use the JOIN NOW and the RENEW page rather than the donation page to pay member dues. Make one group payment for each type of membership, e.g. ONE PAYMENT OF $75 for five, $15 new members; $105 for three, $35 renewals. Please do not process renewals and new member joins all in one payment! On each online membership form, enter information for the NOW chapter that corresponds to the organization’s credit card, i.e. the name on the card and the billing address.

When you’ve completed this step, please list the amount of the payment(s) you made on the Dues Batch Transmittal form.

Then, send an email to stating:

“Attached is the latest chapter dues transmittal for total amount of members – “X” renewals & “Y” new members. I have paid the $$$ batch dues ONLINE through so you can proceed with processing. Please confirm when they have been processed.”

In the email message, please include your organization’s Credit Card billing information and your payment date with the amount e.g.:

Name of person submitting dues


Street Address

City, State, Zip

Phone Number

Payment DATE with AMOUNT

Please refer to the NOW Membership Guidelines on the amount you need to send to the National Action Center per member.

Dues Batch Transmittal form