Political Violence and Privilege

Matthew Harwood writes The Nation: “There has been talk of informants and undercover agents luring young, conservative evangelicals across the South into sham terrorist plots. The feds and the area’s police want to eliminate a particularly extreme strain…

Erick Erickson’s Fun Time Female Mutilation Comedy Hour

Amanda Marcotte writes for Slate: “Friday, the Texas Senate finally overcame Democratic stonewalling to pass a massive anti-abortion bill that’s designed to shut down 37 out of 42 abortion providers in the state. In a pique of excitement over the impendi…

Terror in the Texas Capitol

Martha Burk writes for The Huffington Post: “It’s the oldest trick in the political playbook, and Texans are especially good at it. If you want to discredit a group, get one of their own to attack them. George W. Bush used it in his first term as preside…