Allies in Equality—Him and Her for Each Other

By Leora Lihach, President’s Office Intern As the millennial generation begins to take center stage in the world, the feminist movement is at risk of severely slowing down. Too many young adults believe that feminism is off-limits to men and a dangerous word for women—”the f-word”, a word that could mean anything in the realm of Read more …

Disney, Swords, and Gender Identity

“Are you a he/she?” “Umm…a what?” “You know! A he/she? A boy and a girl.” “No. I don’t think so…I just have a deep voice I guess.” “Oh. You look like a he/she.” When I was in elementary school, other children had no idea how to label me. I dressed how they saw boys dress: Read more …

Real Beauty

It’s hard to go a day without someone telling me how beautiful I look. There’s always someone–telling me to love my body, reminding me that I’m strong and I can do anything, imploring me to remember that my insecurity about my appearance is irrational. You’d think that all of this positivity would send my self-confidence Read more …

Why “Orange is the New Black” is revolutionizing TV

Season 3 of Orange is the New Black is here, and I’m pumped. With its great writing and powerful storylines (that explore race, class, and sexuality), OITNB is a groundbreaking addition to TV. In a world where representation of women (and other gender minorities) is scarce, often clichéd and highly sexualized, OITNB depicts a haven Read more …