For the first time in nearly four decades, the House Judiciary Committee will hold an official hearing on the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). You can join NOW leadership and members and show your support at this exciting event, which exemplifies the growing momentum behind finally ratifying the ERA in the Constitution!
The hearing will be held Tuesday, April 30, 2019, at 10:00 a.m and will be available via livestream at the Judiciary website. If you are in the Washington, D.C. area, you can also attend in person in room 2141 of the Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515. (The Rayburn House Office Building is located at Independence Ave. and S. Capitol Street St. SW. The closest metro stop is Capitol South. More location details are available here.)
We advise activists to arrive early as the room will likely be crowded. The hearing room doors will be open at 9:00 a.m. and the Rayburn building opens up at 7:00 a.m. People will be able to line up outside of the hearing room ahead of the hearing. Some activists will be wearing all white in solidarity and ERA pins and stickers are encouraged.
Witnesses testifying in support of the ERA will include constitutional scholar Kathleen Sullivan, Nevada State Senator Pat Spearman and actress and activist Patricia Arquette.
With only one state left for ratification, our work is more important than ever. Please join us on Tuesday either online or in person and show your support for the ERA!