Hillary Clinton 2016

I welcome Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for President in 2016 because gender matters in the United States today, and Hillary Clinton’s life experiences as a woman give her knowledge, insights, and wisdom that others do not have. That’s good for our politics and good for our country.

Democrats: The GOP’s ‘war on women’ is back

Author Mike DeBonis writes for The Washington Post: “Terry O’Neill, president of the National Organization for Women, called the deadlock a “dramatic escalation of the Republican leadership’s war on women.”

After all but four Senate Democrats voted to filibuster the anti-trafficking bill over the abortion provision Tuesday, McConnell pledged to continue debate until the deadlock is broken — thus pushing back the Lynch confirmation vote, perhaps until April.”

NOW slams ‘sexist’ Warren Buffett over Warren comments

Author Kevin Cirilli writes for The Hill: “O’Neill said those statements don’t add up.
“He claims he believes in ‘praising by name and criticizing by category,’ but turns around and criticizes Sen. Warren by name — not category — saying ‘she would do better if she was less angry and demonized less,’ ” O’Neill said.”