Click here to file your chapter’s 2024 Annual Report. To complete this form, you will need officer contact information, chapter contact information, financial/budgetary/IRS information, and actions taken during 2024. Chapter Annual Reports Are Important
Submitting your required chapter annual report is easy and helps ensure your chapter’s rebate eligibility. It also helps the National Action Center verify your chapter’s current contact information, as well as assess high-level trends using consistent metrics. Please use this annual report and update any chapter information and officer listing on the chapter portal.
Each year, the National Action Center releases a chapter annual report form on the members-only page for the previous calendar year. Your chapter has until the end of the year to complete the annual report (you are required to complete the 2024 annual report no later than December 31, 2025). While supplemental written reports are welcome, they are not required, and, when not accompanied by a completed form, will not fulfill the annual report requirement.
Chapter Rebate Eligibility and Annual Reports
Failure to complete the most recent annual report by the end of the following calendar year will result in ineligibility to receive rebates. Reinstating rebate eligibility is simple: just fill out the most current annual report form that is available. You do not need to complete annual reports from the earlier years missed. To regain eligibility for rebate checks, once your chapter has filled out the annual report, if your chapter is in compliance with