Catcalling Is Not a Compliment

There are few subjects more personal and urgent than the issue of violence against women and that is why it is one of NOW’s six core issues. Our unique approach emphasizes the complexity of the issue and its interrelated factors, including domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, violence against abortion clinics and hate crimes across the lines of gender, sexuality and race.
NOW recognizes that violence against women is perpetuated through gender bias in the judicial system and systems of economic oppression and that we must address these deeply seeded structural problems.
One of the most essential tools in advocating for this mission is the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), enacted on September 13, 1994. In the years leading up to that historic day, NOW and the NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund (NOW LDEF) led a long and crucially important campaign to victory. After passage, we led another uphill battle to get initial VAWA funding released. And ever since we’ve brought that same feminist energy and activism to reauthorize and improve VAWA, to make sure that it is serving everyone who has faced violence.
March 2022 finally saw the most recent VAWA reauthorization signed into law by President Joe Biden, the author of the original VAWA. When the U.S. Senate failed to reauthorize VAWA in 2019, NOW members began a pressure campaign that could not be, and we won.
That commitment, and all the work done by allies and activists, has strengthened VAWA to expand protections for women from domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking to include additional services for tribal members, transgender, and underserved communities. Now, more funding will go to rape prevention and education efforts, as well as training for law enforcement and the judicial system.
While NOW applauds this VAWA reauthorization, we know that it is only the beginning of our efforts. Congress must follow with a renewed commitment to childcare, healthcare and other vital investments in our lives and future that help survivors and all families to live and thrive.
And we must make sure that VAWA evolves even more to ensure that there are robust and culturally relevant protections for all communities that need them. The Act comes up for renewal every five years, and NOW activists and allies continue to work on building on the existing protections and programs and expanding protections to make sure that all communities are included, particularly Black, Indigenous, and communities of color, undocumented women, and the LGBTQIA+ community. NOW will activate the power of our grassroots and continue advocating until we see these priorities come to fruition once and for all.
Christian F. Nunes, President of National NOW at Reauthorization of VAWA Action, 2022.
What is The Violence Against Women Act?
The original 1994 version of VAWA, authored by then-Senator Joseph R. Biden, was the first federal legislation acknowledging domestic violence and sexual assault as crimes. It provided federal resources to fund and promote community-coordinated responses to combating violence against women.
The Act comes up for renewal every five years, and during that time NOW activists and allies work to build on the existing protections and programs that VAWA created, and also to expand and enhance protections to make sure that all communities are included, particularly Black, Indigenous, Communities of color, undocumented women and the LGBTQIA+ community.
VAWA recipients deliver lifesaving direct services to victims and their families and hold offenders accountable through the criminal justice system. VAWA grantees serve hundreds of thousands of victims annually, including:
“I think there is a socialization that goes where violence becomes acceptable. You have to change that and say, ‘No, that’s not acceptable, rape is not acceptable and neither is any form of violence against women. We must not be ambiguous about violence. The greatest war is fought inside our own hearts, a war of anger and resentment and greed. So we start within ourselves and then with our families and our communities.”
– Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate
The Office of Violence Against Women
The Justice Department’s Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) assumes the day-to-day work of implementing VAWA, including implementing formula grant programs and discretionary grant programs. These programs fund victim services, legal assistance, law enforcement, prosecution services, and court practices. They also provide training and technical assistance to those working in the field.
VAWA addresses domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking through the development of coordinated community care among law enforcement, prosecutors, victim services, and attorneys. Among other provisions, VAWA:
Since the passage of VAWA in 1994, every state has enacted laws making stalking a crime and each state strengthened criminal rape statutes.
“Women employed in every industry and sector, including agriculture and other low-paid positions, have historically confronted wide-spread workplace sexual violence. It is more important than ever before that we unite to find solutions to ensure that all women can work with dignity and without fear of violence against them.”
– Mónica Ramírez, President of Alianza Nacional de Campesinas.
Why is VAWA Important to Women?
On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States, totaling more than 12 million people over the course of a year.
And in just one day more than 67,000 victims of domestic violence sought services from domestic violence programs and shelters in the U.S. and its territories.
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed like never before how domestic violence impacts women’s day-to-day lives. With quarantine levels high, hospitals across the country saw a surge in emergency care cases resulting from intimate partner violence (IPV).
Before VAWA
Prior to VAWA, more than 60 percent of rape reports did not result in arrests and a rape case was more than twice as likely to be dismissed as a murder case and nearly 40 percent more likely to be dismissed than a robbery case. Tragically, less than half of the individuals arrested for rape were convicted of that offense and even among those convicted, more than half served an average of only 1 year or less behind bars.
The passage of VAWA created a call to action and sent a strong statement that ending violence against women is a national priority. This crisis deserves the weight of the federal government’s leadership and financial resources.
Incidents of sexual assault and domestic violence have seen significant declines since VAWA took effect, and with each reauthorization of the bill efforts to increase access to services, healing, and justice for survivors have improved.
According to a 2014 Journal of Women’s Health Study, the rate of intimate partner violence (IPV) against females declined 53% between 1993 and 2008, from 9.4 victimizations per 1,000 females aged 12 years or older to 4.3 victimizations per 1,000, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Additionally, there was a 51% increase in reporting of IPV after mandatory arrest laws of VAWA went into effect, and there was 63% decrease in nonfatal violence and 24% decrease in fatal violence.
Unfortunately, in recent years the numbers have stopped declining, and there was a devastating increase in intimate partner violence brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Prior to the most recent 2022 reauthorization funding for many of VAWA’s flagship programs has remained stagnant over the past decade, likely curbing its impact. Advocates hope that with the recent reauthorization and improvements we will again see significant declines in rates of violence against women and a renewed focus on prevention as well as justice for victims.
2022 Reauthorization Highlights
Christian F. Nunes, President of National NOW with President Biden, at Reauthorization of VAWA Action, 2022.
The most recent VAWA reauthorization includes numerous reforms that help advocates to provide services to victims of violence and enhance prevention efforts. The reauthorization:
Additional resource pages of information about VAWA
Title IX
The Impact of Title IX on Violence Against Women
NOW was also one of the chief advocates for passage of the Title IX of the Education Act Amendments of 1972, which prohibits sex discrimination by any educational institution that receives federal funding. This important civil rights law assures that equal opportunity is to be provided for women and men, boys and girls, in both academics and athletics.
Title IX has also been a tool to push back against the insidious threats of sexual harassment and assault on college campuses nationwide. Unfortunately, the Trump Administration adopted a regulation that greatly undermined those protections. NOW and our allies pushed back and worked with the Biden-Harris administration and members of Congress to reverse this dangerous precedent.
Title IX is especially crucial for students of color, who face higher rates of sexual harassment and violence. Women in general, and Black women in particular, are blamed, punished, and shamed for filing claims based on racist and sexist discrimination. And the gutting of Title IX threatens to make the situation worse.
What is needed to protect and expand Title IX?
Read more about our work on Title IX here.
How Can We Take Action on VAWA?
At NOW, we take on the tough challenges and never shrink from the difficult challenges ahead of us. We propose constructive solutions to difficult problems, and we build coalitions that mobilize the best talents and most productive energy of our grassroots. And it is because of that grassroots activism we have been at the forefront of so many change-making moments, including the passage of VAWA and its subsequent reauthorizations. We know that our work is far from done. Until every woman is free from violence we will keep marching, keep organizing, and keep speaking out to create lasting change. Here’s how you can join us to make a difference.
Additional VAWA Resources
Emergency Assistance
Further Information on VAWA
Title IX Resources
MMIW Resources:
Reflecting on the issues of domestic violence and gun violence in Part One, Part Two continues with more information about the Second Amendment, the Supreme Court, and gun laws in the states.
Printable PDF A Million Thanks to Organizers and Marchers – Women Made History! January 24, 2017 NOW activists are still thrilled and energized by the overwhelming turnout – not only for the Women’s March on Washington – but the impressive marches that Read more …
Printable PDF Issue Advisory: It’s About POWER, Not SEX – Trump as Aggressor By Jan Erickson, NOW Government Relations Director, and Leah Schmidt, NOW Government Relations Intern October 28, 2016 Newt Gingrich, one of Donald Trump’s surrogates and form Read more …
Abusers Often Sociopaths -Those of us who work to end domestic and sexual violence know that physical or emotional abuse is just that: abusive, destructive behavior. Unwanted sexual touching is a form of sexual violence and rape is an act of extreme violence, motivated by a desire to overpower and hurt someone. Verbally, emotionally and/or physically abusing an intimate partner is domestic violence – and, in many cases, the perpetrator is impelled to do it because they have a psychologically disordered personality.