Economic Justice
NOW advocates for a wide range of economic justice issues, all of which limit women’s freedom and success. These include welfare reform, livable wages, paid sick leave, job discrimination, pay equity, financial literacy, and more. We know that these issues impact women of color at much higher rates and that economic justice is intertwined with racial justice, reproductive freedom, and our other core issues.
Watch the video below to understand why.
Kavanaugh: A Threat to Women and Our Constitutional Right to Privacy
The danger that Judge Brett Kavanaugh poses to reproductive health and freedom in the United States cannot be overstated. It cannot be over-publicized, over-discussed, over-analyzed, or over-protested. His nomination to the Supreme Court of the United Read more...Education or Criminalization?
By Nairi Azaryan, Communications Intern A pipeline is a human made structure, moving substance swiftly and uninterrupted from point A to B. The school to prison pipeline does just that, sending young children of color, disproportionately girls, from sc Read more...Allies in Equality—Him and Her for Each Other
By Leora Lihach, President’s Office Intern As the millennial generation begins to take center stage in the world, the feminist movement is at risk of severely slowing down. Too many young adults believe that feminism is off-limits to men and a dangerou Read more...News
Narrowing of state, U.S. gender wage gaps slow; may widen post-pandemic
“Women earn 83 cents on the dollar, but really that breaks down when we happen to look at race,” said Christian F. Nunes, president at the National Organization for Women. “It’s really a white woman earning 83 cents on the white man’s dollar.” Read more...It’s Time to End Homelessness
“Women remain vulnerable to homelessness because of gender based violence, gender wage gaps, and employment protections such as paid sick leave, family paid leave, and affordable and accessible childcare,” said Christian F. Nunes, president of the Nati Read more … Read more...How ERA is good for the economy
Women are the backbone of our economy, and their contributions cannot be understated; women drive 70-80 percent of consumer behavior and contribute trillions of dollars to the economy. Read more...Experts say disaster relief plans need to center women as hurricane season approaches
“When women are displaced due to these disasters, they’re put at more risk for harassment and violence. This is a direct impact in contributing to why we see women having more risk of PTSD, as well as other anxiety and acute distress disorders,” Nunes said. Read more...Resources
Title IX: The Civil Rights Law that Opens Doors – 50th Anniversary
“No person in the United States shall, based on sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” – Title IX, signed by Read more …
TISSUE ADVISORY: Protect Your Right to Organize in the Workplace with the PRO Act
Employees of Amazon and Starbucks are making progress in their unionization efforts with these giant companies. The timing for bringing forward legislation in the Senate that would strengthen efforts of workers to organize is called for. In his State of the Union Message, President Biden called for passage of the PRO Act.
Abortion Cases in the SCOTUS Pipeline: What Can We Anticipate?
With the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, which has clinched a 6-3 majority on the high court, we should not expect to win many cases related to women’s rights. Those cases that pertain to reproductive rights are clearly in peril.
Women’s Community Transition Letter
NOW helped prepare a detailed set of policy recommendations for a new administration, focusing on the needs of women of color and marginalized communities. Entitled, Women Demand: A Letter to the Federal Elected Officials and Candidates from the Women’s Community, the letter was signed by more than 200 organizations, including 34 NOW chapters.