Renewing our Commitment to the ERA on its 100th Anniversary  

When Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman authored the Equal Rights Amendment in 1923, both the state of women’s rights in America and the women’s rights movement looked very different than they do today. The ERA was proposed at a time when women could not open their own bank accounts, obtain a mortgage, could not serve Read more …

The Fight to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment Is Happening NOW

WASHINGTON, D.C. – NOW welcomes the move by the Attorneys General of the last three states to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment—Nevada, Illinois, and Virginia—to file an opening brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. This would end the unlawful obstruction of constitutional equality by the U.S. Archivist, who is required Read more …

How ERA is good for the economy

Women are the backbone of our economy, and their contributions cannot be understated; women drive 70-80 percent of consumer behavior and contribute trillions of dollars to the economy.

ACTION ALERT: Urge the House to Vote Yes for the ERA (H.J. Res. 17)

Now that 38 states have ratified the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), it needs to finally be enshrined in the U.S. Constitution because it would guarantee equal legal rights regardless of sex – ending unjust legal distinctions between men and women in divorce, property, employment, and other matters. Every member of the House should vote for the bi-partisan legislation (H.J. Res. 17) sponsored by Rep. Jackie Speier (D-C.A.) with Rep. Tom Reed (R- N.Y.) that would remove the arbitrary deadline in the 1972 legislation.