Proposed Bylaw Amendment for Electing National Officers
Current Bylaw
Section 5. Elections
One of the proposed officer tickets shall be elected by a majority vote of the eligible members present whose preferences are counted in the final tally at the National Conference. If there are more than two officer tickets nominated preferential voting shall be used, and balloting shall be conducted according to the parliamentary authority prescribed in these bylaws.
Proposed Bylaw Amendment
Section 5.
A. One of the proposed officer tickets shall be elected by a majority vote of the eligible members by a combination of members present at the conference as well as by submission of a mail-in or email ballot of all members in good standing. Every member shall only vote once – either in person or by mail or by electronic ballot. All members’ qualified votes whose preferences shall be counted in the final tally at the National Conference. If there are more than two officer tickets nominated, preferential voting shall be used, and balloting shall be conducted according to the parliamentary authority prescribed in these bylaws.
B. The procedure for use of mail-in or electronic balloting shall be in place in time for the 2017 elections for national NOW officers.
Bylaw as Proposed to be Amended
Section 5. Elections
A. One of the proposed officer tickets shall be elected by a majority vote of the eligible members by a combination of members present at the conference as well as by submission of a mail-in or email ballot of all members in good standing. Every member shall only vote once – either in person or by mail or by electronic ballot. All members’ qualified votes shall be counted in the final tally at the National Conference. If there are more than two officer tickets nominated, preferential voting shall be used, and balloting shall be conducted according to the parliamentary authority prescribed in these bylaws.
B. The procedure for use of mail-in or electronic balloting shall be in place in time for the 2017 elections for national NOW officers
Submitted by MN NOW, MO NOW, PA NOW, and WA NOW