NOW Political Action Committee Endorses Lois Herr in Bid to Oust Pitts

Thanks in large part to Pitts’ efforts, the House’s version of health care reform now stands as the greatest threat to women’s fundamental right to abortion in decades. That’s why we’re here today on Joe Pitts’ home turf — not only to express outrage at his actions but also to demonstrate our commitment to getting Lois Herr elected in this district next November.

Lois is dedicated to providing affordable health care to every person in the United States, but not at the expense of women’s access to reproductive health services. She is a longtime NOW member and a strong supporter of constitutional equality, equal pay, affirmative action, equal marriage rights and the full range of feminist issues. Lois understands the hurdles that women face every day in this country, and when we send her to Capitol Hill, she will work to improve the lives of women and girls.

We have a battle ahead of us, but I am confident that the people of Pennsylvania’s 16th District will see the light. The current health care debate has revealed the cynical side of law-making and exposed those legislators who are only too willing to throw women overboard for the sake of political expediency. To those like Joe Pitts, I say: if women’s rights aren’t safe when you’re in office, then we’ll just have to replace you. And I can’t think of a better candidate to take your seat than Lois Herr.


Contact: Caitlin Gullickson, media[at], 202-628-8669 ext 123