A Full Day’s Work, a Zero Dollar Paycheck

In 1966, Congress adopted a federal minimum wage for tipped workers, but it was only 50 percent of the minimum wage for other workers. The federal standard is just above two dollars an hour, and it has remained this low since 1991. Sounds out of this world, right? $2.13 an hour is less than 30 percent of the standard minimum wage, which is $7.25.

It’s Time for Caregiver Credits

Most Americans understand that Social Security is a vital tool for our economy and for millions of retired Americans. In 2011, our Social Security system kept more than 21 million people out of poverty, especially women of color and women who work at low-wage jobs.

My Saturday at a Women’s Health Clinic

The Supreme Court’s job is to do extensive research and fully consider all options before making a decision. Somehow, though, I don’t see Scalia and Thomas taking a morning off to volunteer as escorts at an abortion clinic — so I did it for them. Last Saturday I worked for a few hours with a friend who escorts regularly at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Silver Spring.

Peace Corps Volunteers and Abortion Coverage

After seeking medical treatment for the pelvic inflammatory disease that came as a result of the rape, Carcano discovered she was pregnant. She was told that if she chose to have an abortion she would have to pay for it on her own.

#DigiFem2: Social Media and Feminism

Whether you like it or not, social media is here to stay. If you don’t really get it, I feel for you — I’m not a social media expert by any means. However, it seems that these days most people have at least a basic knowledge of how social media works, but not everyone understands its potential.